Last week we were feeling pretty secure with the temperatures above freezing in the long range forecast. Sigh. Very cold nights are predicted for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We will be rolling all we can fit into the greenhouses. Though cold hardened violas, pansies and bulb plants can freeze solid and live on, the experience doesn’t usually make them prettier and we we like our posies prime for you.
At home any newly planted pansies, perennials or herbs that are in the ground would appreciate a blanket or other insulating covering before sundown.
If you have plants still in their pots or packs, for now have them spend cold nights in a spot above freezing if possible. Warmer isn’t better, don’t spoil the plants in your sauna. They’ll still enjoy the outdoors during the day or warmer nights.
Your established plants in the garden will survive. Sometimes daylily leaf tips will “burn” (freeze) but they grow out of it. Cross your fingers about the mophead hydrangea buds that are starting to swell. Not much we can really do. Potted hydrangeas should stay in their winter storage until temperatures moderate.
Magnolias as pictured below are notorious for frost damage risk. If buds are tight, petals are safe. We will stash our fresh-from-the-nursery`Royal Star’ magnolias in our garage among the lawnmowers on the nights below freezing. At home the fuzzy buds are still tight and toasty to avoid damage from next week’s Big Chill.