Gardens are never ever done. There is always a new plant, a new color combination, a fragrance to add or an art piece that would look so great in a border that you want to try. Embrace the tweaks and changes of a garden. The creative process is what makes gardening fun.
Fall is the perfect time to make changes. Weather cools, growth slows, rains return, we hope. Taking a walk around the garden this time of year when the garden is full let’s you see what were the hits and misses in this year’s plantings. Make notes (and take pics) now of what you want to tweak for next year’s gardens and pots. In September and October, perennials can be divided and added to other beds or removed to make room for a new perennial you just can’t resist. Shrubs that have overgrown their allotted space or are in decline can be removed and new plants can be added to freshen an area. The great thing about fall work is the reward you get next spring when your garden comes back to life with all your new touches and improvements.